Disturbed front man David Draiman had his boxing gloves on when the new host of The Daily Show Trevor Noah tweeted some antisemitic comments. While on Israel’s public domestic and international radio service Voice of Israel, Draiman made some pretty bold statements. Such as, “Have me on your show. Go ahead and start spewing anti-Semitic or Jewish jokes while I’m on your show. Somebody’s gonna end up in the hospital and somebody’s gonna end up in jail, and I’ll give you three guesses who that’s going to be.”

Even more, Draiman got into another Twitter dispute with comedian Jim Norton. According to a tweet from Norton to Draiman, “Trevor Noah isn’t the problem. You are.” Draiman did not handle this lightly, tweeting back:


This exchange quickly spiraled into a full on twitter brawl between Draiman and Norton. Here is the rest of the argument:

[via Metal Injection]