There’s really no lower form of life than someone that steals from a touring band. Even if you don’t get that much equipment, to take money from a band, most of whom are touring just to make ends meet, is a despicable act. Usually, it happens in St. Louis, but The Browning just got their van broken into, and wow, everything’s gone. The only thing the band have right now is the clothes on their back. 

What’s worse is that there are enough electronic elements of the band’s music that with all their computers stolen, they’re unable to continue the rest of their tour, as all the three laptops and four external hard drives they use in their live show were among the stuff taken. Granted, it’s probably not the best idea to not have the files uploaded in the cloud somewhere where they can be recalled, but it’s too late to think about that now. The band had 14 more shows in Europe, but are attempting to head back home to get their life back in order. They’ve started a crowdfunding campaign, and have already gotten over $3,500 towards the $5,000 they’re initially seeking (although Johnny McBee says it’ll cost $10,000 to get some of the equipment back. What’s really a bummer is that once the band can afford a computer/plugins/etc., he’ll have to program everything over again from scratch. 

What a total bummer. Read the account of what happened, and donate, if you’re feeling charitable, over at the band’s GoFundMe page.