mastodonOur buddies at video site Metal Injection had a chance to catch up with Mastodon about the previously-discussed film based on Crack the Skye they’ve been toying with.

Metal Injection: Would there be dialog in the movie or is just the music with visuals?

Brann Dailor: I don’t know yet. The first thought that we had for it was just the music and a movie to go along with it. That’s what the treatment is for. But we talked to some directors and they’re kind of into possibly introducing some dialogue so it’s a little more cohesive and makes more sense and making it like “The Wall” or something like that. But, it’s kind of at a stand still right now. We don’t know if it’s going to happen, but we want it to happen. I guess we’ll see.

The band continues to weigh their options in making the film happen, and are currently looking for financial backing as well as a director. The full interview can be viewed at Metal Injection.