magrudergrind iiThe cover of Magrudergrind’s II shows a menacing looking dude with a bat on what appears to be a New York City subway in the ’70s or early ’80s. It’s a pretty apt description for what the album itself sounds like. The band took six years to record the follow-up to 2009’s self-titled album, and it just might have been worth the wait. Pummelling, unrelenting grindcore recorded by Converge’s Kurt Ballou at GodCity, the album features a cameo from Infest’s Joe Denunzio on “Husayni/Handschar.” The album, which will be released on Friday (12) on Relapse Records, is streaming now via the AV Club. It’ll easily cure your midafternoon slump.

IIwill be released on February 12th on Relapse Records and can be pre-ordered here.