Every now and then, something happens that makes you realize you’ve reached the end of the internet. That happened over the weekend on Reddit, courtesy of a Trash Talk show in Melbourne, Australia, and it involves urine. “Went to a Trash Talk ‘secret show’ in Melbourne last night, this dude straight up pissed into his own mouth in the middle of the mosh pit,” user Adon1kam said.  The poster attached an image, which you can see below, of said dude doing what the caption says. Warning: you won’t be able to unsee it, so you might be better off not looking down.

The poster elaborated further in the thread. “It went everywhere, all down his shirt and in his hair, he seriously went for for like a solid minute. It was feral. And yes he just went on like nothing happened afterwards, it was one of the funniest/strangest/most disgusting and confusing things I’ve ever seen in my life,” the poster continued, then stating “To be honest he didn’t even seem that drunk. I heard that he is a pro skater and he does this all the time.” Adon1kam’s girlfriend got a picture of the guy celebrating post-pee, with a handful of concertgoers applauding him.

We’re not sure why anyone would do this, but we completely agree with the horrified onlookers, and that’s easily grounds for throwing someone out of a show and banning them for life. Let’s hope that this isn’t something that catches on, since it seems like the second most annoying thing anyone would do in a mosh pit other than karate chop kicks. Maybe the guy was trying to make a statement, but that statement appears to be “I am desperate for attention and a disgusting human being.” We warned you, but if you want to see something NSFW that will haunt your nightmares, scroll down.








