brokenhopeWe’ve been hearing so much about the Deicide/Broken Hope feud (which is apparently patched up now) that its been a while since we heard from, you know, the guy who got his throat slashed open by a box cutter at one of their shows. Well, good news: he’s apparently okay. As you can see in the pick above, Julio Serrano isn’t looking half bad all things considered. Serrano was sent a Broken Hope care package by the band to cheer him up.

The band has issued this statement:

“BROKEN HOPE sent a special BH care-package to JULIO SERRANO– We wanted to lift JULIO’s spirits and let him know we genuinely support and care about him. If this photo says anything, JULIO SERRANO is doing much better! Cheers and the best of health to you, JULIO!!!”

Definitely glad to hear that Serrano is doing alright. Hopefully next time he goes to a show he’ll be able to enjoy it from beginning to end without it being cut short.