Lita_FordA few years ago, we sat down with guitarist Lita Ford and talked about many different subjects, including her song “Mother” which deals with the subject of mental abuse in children and how parent alienation affects them, turning her into an avid advocate with her own Facebok page. The song arose from the difficult times she had since the end of her marriage with former Nitro vocalist Jim Gillette, where allegations of Gillette turning her children against her, ended in a legal battle for the children’s custody. Ford explained at the time:

“Mother” is about mental abuse in children. It’s happening in the United States, and it’s not recognized in the court system. I’m pissed off! I’m fighting it, and I want everybody to hear me scream that it’s wrong. This is our next generation. Our next, future presidents and leaders of the world. They’re being abused. Not all of them of course. There are a lot of great parents out there.

Fast-forward to last week where Lita took the issue to the Facebook page mentioned before, making the following statements:

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The posts were deleted from the page but that didn’t stop things from getting awkward when her older son, James Gillette, spoke to Metal Sludge, who originally posted the rant above to clear things up:

My Dad always taught me, “if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say it”. Well unfortunately my mother has left me no choice with her latest crazy allegations against my father (including kidnapping) and recent attempts to start a nation-wide amber alert type search for my brother and me.

We have not been kidnapped. We live with our dad and have every right to. Thankfully we never have to see our mother again and we have the legal paperwork to prove it. By the way, I’m 18 and can live wherever I want, with whoever I want, and I choose to live with my dad. How ridiculous would it be for my mother to put out an amber alert on me even though I’m a legal adult.

Obviously our mother has a lot of problems. Five years ago a court appointed doctor told my brother and me that our mother was mentally ill. This came as no surprise to either of us.

Unfortunately my mother has never accepted any responsibility for her actions and continues to blame anyone and everyone all while publicly playing the victim.

Our mother is a child abuser. She was violent, threatening, and tried to make my brother and me hate our dad. Her attempts at parental alienation were constant and never ending. When we didn’t agree with her she would become livid and out of control. We told child services, the sheriffs department, and many court appointed professionals that our mother was crazy, violent, and we were afraid she would someday kill us in a fit of rage.

We were with our dad when he was served divorce papers. We made him promise to do everything he could so we never had to see our mother again. He kept his promise and for that we are forever grateful.

Our mother alleges that our father brainwashed us against her. Nothing could be further from the truth. Our dad never said a bad thing about her. He didn’t have to. We saw first hand what she did to all of us. If he has in any way let us down, it was that our father should have gotten us away from her sooner.

Our mother said horrible things about our dad all the time. She even said things about me and my brother. She called us “fucking faggots” because we used to sit with our dad and watch movies.

Our mother threatened to have us thrown in a Foster home and said we’d never see our dad again. Why? Because we told her we didn’t want to be with her and she was angry we told all the professionals that she beat us. She also threatened us and said she would have our dad thrown in jail for the same reasons.

I could tell you horror stories for days but that wouldn’t accomplish anything. My mother needs serious help. She needs to stop lying and she needs to leave us alone. She also needs to stop with her harassing and stalking behavior.

Anyone that says my father should be crucified and left to die will never be a part of my life. Who in their right mind writes a song for their children saying those terrible things?

James Gillette

That is as much awkward as we can handle for today. Lita Ford hasn’t responded to her son’s allegations but it seems like this is a sad battle playing out publicly. And given the shocking account of  Ford’s former Runaways member Jackie Fox being raped by manager Kim Fowley, she might want to continue taking a break from the public eye for the time being.
