
We’re not up to date on Orkin Pest Control’s “Scientific Fact or Scientific Fake” series of videos, but MetalSucks brought this bizarre two-minute ad to our attention. In the ad, there’s a chalkboard with the caption “Rock-n-roll makes termites eat wood faster,” and the Orkin man says that as an experiment, one aquarium of termites will be played heavy metal –  “Everything from crustpunk to grindcore, don’t ask me what those are,” he says. The other aquarium was given nothing but harp music. At the end of three days, some wacky music and footage of scientists goofing around, it’s proven as a fact that metal makes them eat faster. It’s a really strange ad, but worth looking at for metal purposes.

It’s pretty cool to see crustpunk and grindcore referenced in an ad, even if it’s a web-only one. What MetalSucks failed to notice, however, was that the harp music was played by the Harp Twins, who are metal themselves. The twin sisters, Camille and Kennerly Kitt, have done harp covers of metal songs, including Iron Maiden’s “Dance of Death.” Now they’ve reached semi-metal notoriety again.