Amplified is a weekly column focusing on new and emerging artists. Got a band that fits the bill? Email

Raleigh, North Carolina’s Bedowyn are nailing it. Sludge to me is a genre that is usually best in small doses, but they’re crafting a truly addictive and progressive spin on that sound. Their debut full-length record, Blood of the Fall, is said by the band to be the product of a long period of woodshedding, and this sounds like it was time well spent. The roots of pure sludge are surely here; High On Fire is cited as an influence, there’s touches of old-school midtempo thrash riffs here and there, but the most obvious bit of music DNA here is early period Mastodon (the artwork even having some very clear similarities to Mastodon’s Remission) in the vocal department, subtle banjo-isms on the guitar front, as well as the busy, fill-heavy drumming. Let it be known, I adore Mastodon in all their incarnations, so drawing from that particular sound is a fast way to my heart.

Stream Blood of the Fall below!