Metal Inside(r) Home Quarantine is Metal Insider’s new column during this time of isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We asked artists five questions on what’s been keeping them busy ranging from their favorite movies, food they’ve been eating, music they’ve been listening to and more. We caught up with Union Kain as they’ve been spending this time taking on projects.


What have you been doing to pass time during Quarantine?

Brizzy Dee (drums): Improving my recording skills and writing new music with Kain. Like all of us, I too have been taking on projects in an effort to move the band forward. 

Glazergirl (vocals): Working as an essential worker in the glass and glazing construction industry (hence my call name)—safety barriers for hospitals, restaurants, condos, etc. between the public and staff. It started slow. It’s been like the wild west the past few weeks. And, prepping my son to go to college in the fall. Lyricizing when I get inspired and then messaging the guys what I wrote. It’s been difficult not being with the team.   

Kain (lead guitar): I’ve been doing a lot of writing music and guitar riffs for our second album. Netflix and snacking on junk food. Lol.

Jay the Worst (rhythm guitar): working and jamming away at the fiddle while refining mixing skills.

Big$ (bass): I watch YouTube videos. Davie 505, Scotty the Mechanic, The Modern Investor Jamie Slays.


Have you been listening to any music or have any playlists worth checking out?

Brizzy Dee: In particular, I have been stuck on listening to Avenged Sevenfold’s The Stage album.

Glazergirl: Listening to everything. The day starts with satellite radio stations set to Lithium, Ozzy’s Boneyard, Turbo and Hair Nation. And of course, listening to Union Kain to be ready for upcoming events. 

Kain: I’ve been listening to a lot of piano concertos and blues. While it isn’t what we play it kind of inspires me to listen to the way the music flows. 

Jay the Worst: ALWAYS! Lots of Pantera!!

Big$: I learn modes and find out how other bands use them for example the Beatles didn’t know modes yet together their music was different modes within one song. There are many apps that have musicians’ original songs. I listen to Rock, metal, Jaz on Bandlab, Spotify Apple Music


A lot of people have been spending this time cooking including making their own bread, what food have you been prepping during this time?

Brizzy Dee: Perfecting the art of BBQing!

Glazergirl: More veggie oriented meals—trying to eat even cleaner—avoid the freshman 15 aka the COVID “45” so I’ve heard from people. No excuse to abuse the body though the gyms got closed down. Family eating doesn’t mean “family style.” Encourage others to do right by themselves. I often message on FaceBook to help those who have worked so hard to be successful with healthy choices to keep up the good work, not fall off of the wagon. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE sweets. It’s brutal.

Kain: Oh hell, I’ve been terrible. I’ve been snacking on junk food and fast food.

Big$: I try to make simple meals, tuna salad, broiled meat (grass fed only) I have vegetables and fruits on the menu too.


In terms of entertainment, what movies, TV shows, books, or games have been keeping you busy?

Brizzy Dee: I have been reading the President’s of War and Machine Learning for Dummies.

Glazergirl: I have had zero time to just chill and watch movies or read. The t.v. goes on late at night to help me get to sleep. I have managed to watch the series Killing Eve—total Fav. Other than that, lots of books I have started and had to put down to write lyrics, etc.

Kain: I’ve revisited the whole Star Wars saga, The Witcher, The Mandalorian. I’m not big on TV shows but I’ll watch movies…action and comedy, sci fi.

Big$: I’m watching Yellowstone at the moment and finished See


What advice do you have for your fans in isolation during this time?

Brizzy Dee: Use the time to reflect and appreciate where you are and visualize where you want to be.  

Glazergirl: I think families have started to “reintroduce” themselves to each other and put the cell phones down. The positive part of the COVID isolation is that kids TALK to their families and friends. The yearning for human contact has brought life and familial recognition and love back to the forefront. We didn’t realize how much of life has passed by with all the technology in the way. I say, keep talking to each other. Look each other in the eyes. Even with Zoom and Facetime. Look at each other. Get reacquainted with each other. 

Kain: hang in there. This can’t last forever. I don’t think we’ll see our version of “normal” for a while but some sense of normalcy will come back.

Jay the Worst: USE THIS TIME WISELY!! Do not walk away from the situation without having learned new knowledge or improved skill!!

Big$: people should learn a language or get into sports