gyreWhen Unsigned  & Streamed vets Gyre aren’t killing it with new music, they go hiking. Why? Well, we’ll let guitarist Ian McCartney explain before he shares his top five hikes in the Hudson Valley.

What the hell do hiking and metal music have in common?  Well, for me, one thing feeds the other.  It is during the physical flow and rhythm of a hike that I come up with my best lyrical ideas and riffs.  Move the body, activate the mind.  Also, when you go on hikes with people, specifically my band mates in Gyre, there is a sense of adventure and camaraderie that occurs when you take people out of their comfort zones… opening people to the good side of their animal selves that society, through TV, video games, twitter, FB, etc… try to manipulate and mold.  Nature is the only true teacher.  Everything we know comes from Nature… Get outside!  Nature loves you!  How metal is that!

All Photos courtesy of – Copyright: Ian McCartney