rennie renman3. You Need to Make It Personal.

At the end of the day, people have to feel connected with you in some way to care. The internet is full of scammers and the only way to distinguish yourself is to SHOW PEOPLE you care. That means pouring your heart out a bit, putting yourself out there a bit for the world to see.  And that is a little scary frankly. When someone takes the leap and makes a donation you need to show them you appreciate it. Tweet about it, talk about it, thank them in public. Let them know it matters.


2. You need to have lots of friends. Real friends.

People who care about you in a serious way. We have over 15,000 Twitter followers and 5,000 Facebook friends and thought it would be a no-brainer. Wrong. It’s easy being a ‘follower’ or a ‘friend’ on social media, but only a tiny percentage of those folks  actually know enough about you to care much less part with their hard earned cash to help out a project they don’t really care about.