If you’re a nerve-wrecked, angsty teenager, it can be really tough to ask a girl to the prom unless you are this confident, popular guy who can pick and choose whoever he wants, right? Maybe not. Slayer is a fairly popular band and many guitarist would drown their first born in acid for the chance to play with them but Kerry King didn’t think that was the case when he asked Gary Holt to join the band, as he compared the experience to asking a girl to prom!

During an interview Chris Jericho’s Talk is Jericho with Chris Jericho, King described a little bit how did he feel when he asked Holt into the band:

It’s like asking a girl out to the prom, kind of. If you get turned down, you’re like, ‘Oh man, we suck. Fuck!’

There’s something about Kerry King being all nervous about Holt’s answer that makes me happy and realize that, no matter how big your band is, not everyone thinks is that big of a deal. Holt had a pretty steady thing going with Exodus but Slayer is a major league’s jump so it’s obvious he would not say ‘no’ to that. It’s known King was not the meanest, most popular kid back in his high school days and seems to be that feeling still lingers after so many years of holding gigantic chains on his pants and worshiping the devil.

[via Metalsucks.net]