Not content with a stellar debut for their latest album, …Like Clockwork, Queens of the Stone Age are stepping into the future and offering it on a new medium. And they’ve filmed a pretty great infomercial for it, too that looks like they stepped into the past. Fred Armisen has always found himself in the middle of cool bands and music. In this new mock infomercial (produced by Nerdist)  Queens of the Stone Age cast Armisen in the role of the pitchman Ricky Chism in a Tim and Eric-looking ad for the USB drive. It’s actually pretty cool, in that for $30, you get two 8 gig flash drives, the album, artwork, videos and tons of of storage space for one of the best albums of the year. The best part? It’s also a beer bottle opener! Despite the tongue in cheek nature of the commercia, this is a real thing, and you can get it here.
