metallangaA few weeks back, Metallica and Chinese pianist Lang Lang got together to play “One” on the Grammy Awards. Reaction was mixed, but it was certainly an interesting and ambitious rendition. The performance was quickly scrubbed from the Internet, never to be heard again, until last week, when the “awards show rehearsal” version of the song was released on iTunes. You were still pretty much out of luck if you didn’t want to pay to hear the song… until today. The band and Lang have put the collaboration up on Soundcloud for your listening pleasure.

On second listen, it’s still an odd fit, but an effective way to shoehorn both artists into an awards show, which the Grammys did the whole rest of the evening as well. And again, if you’re a Metallica completist, you’ll have already heard this, but for those curious that might not have gotten a chance to hear it the first time around, now you can.