Welcome to Metal Power Rankings: Our weekly rankings take a number of factors into account: newsworthiness, record sales, internet buzz, word of mouth and overall importance in the genre. Ultimately, it’s subjective, but if a band generates enough buzz, they’ll wind up on the list. This week, Mastodon’s high-profile yet under the radar appearance on Game of Thrones wins. Winter is coming and it brought the ‘Don with it!


1) Mastodon (re-entry)

As awesome as everything else going on in the metal world right now is, there is very little about the band appearing on Game of Thrones that can be messed with.



2) Refused (from 5)

Two sold out shows in New York and a secret show afterwards at Saint Vitus where they covered Priest, Sabbath and Fugazi? These guys know how to lead up to an album release, that’s for damn sure!



3) Ghost (from 2)

Not only did the band announce their new album and release a single off of it, they also played a few new songs off the album live and unveiled their new look.



4) Faith No More (from 1)

Still selling now that people realize that not only do they have a new album out, but it’s actually a good one.



5) Lamb of God (from 3)

With Sturm und Drang‘s track listing out there now, it’s becoming more apparent that this is a thing that’s happening!



6) Slayer (from 4)

Nuclear Blast bets you $180 that 3,000 of you really want to hear Repentless.



7) Motorhead (re-entry)

Pretty exciting that we’re getting a Motorhead album this year amongst all the other big name acts. 2015 is one of the biggest years for high-profile metal releases in some time.



8) Slipknot (from 7)

The best band ever, eh? OK Clown, we get it, you’re cocky.



9) Metallica (from 6)

Busting out an average song live for the second time ever? OK, but you’re unforgiven if you keep doing it.



10) High on Fire (re-entry)

OK, now that we’ve heard another song from thisLuminiferous is going to be a monster record.



11) Lucifer (debut)

Another new song, a Decibel cover, and a tour with High on Fire and Pallbearer. Everything’s coming up Satan!



12) Machine Head  (re-entry)

Of the most metal things we’ve heard all week, we didn’t expect “Robb Flynn shitting uncontrollably into a diaper while on tour” to be so high up there on the list. Let it never be said that Flynn doesn’t put his blood, sweat, tears and other bodily excretions into Machine Head’s music.



13) The Sword (re-entry)

We’re getting a contact high just thinking about the band’s forthcoming album.



14) Superjoint (debut)

Speaking of joints… Cool to see Phil’s getting the band back together.



15) Wovenwar (re-entry)

That didn’t take long. The buzz from the last album was just starting to wear off, and they go and announce that they’re working on a new one.