Death Tribe, the thrash/death outfit led by Anthony Kaoteon have teamed up with Metal Insider to premiere a music video for the song “Neurotic Breakdown.” The track is taken from his latest effort, Beyond Pain and Pleasure: A Desert Experiment, which was independently released earlier this year. The song features Serge teh Slave (Verdict, Aramaic) on vocals, Linus Klausenitzer on bass (Obscura),and  Matthias Landes on drums (Dark Fortress). Death Tribe’s new album was written over a long period of time as this song was written back in 2006. This intense track combines several influences ranging from heavy to death, black, and thrash. 

Anthony commented:

“This track is complex, technical and intense, as it represents the stage in life when one realizes they were forced into this pit and left to deal with its atrocities. We don’t choose where we are born. Black, white, yellow, Arab or Jew, some of us are born in war torn countries, others in below-poverty areas. Even those born with a silver spoon in their mouth are still battling their own demons because everything is about perspective. However, most people don’t realize that, and the only way to escape reality is through substances that create an even more complex schizoid world that is out of control. We blame others, if not ourselves, and hate everyone and everything around us instead of accepting that we can influence change through our choices, accept ourselves and the differences of others. Hate feeds on hate. Start by accepting your reality and grow to accept others.”

Watch the video below: