untilthelightIt’s a sad day in the metal community. Aaron Aites, the director of documentary Until the Light Takes Us, (the film about Norwegian black metal) has been diagnosed with cancer. His fiance, Audrey Ewell launched a GoFundMe page yesterday, explaining the situation.

“It’s heartbreaking to write this out, but Aaron’s been diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma. It’s aggressive. It’s hard to treat.  It’s statistically a killer. It’s terrifying.”

So far, the campaign has raised over $18k out of their $100,000 goal. Aites has been sick for several months, having been to the emergency room and being told it was bronchitis. Ewell writes that a small number of people with this type of cancer go into remission, and she is confident Aites will be one of them.

You can read the entire story and donate here.