Ozzy on Fire StickerOh, those wacky Osbournes. For the second time this year, the fire department has been called to Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne’s Los Angeles home. This time, it was Ozzy attempting to make a bacon sandwich that caused them to swing by. Sharon broke the news via Twitter, writing “I’m in London, @OfficialOzzy is  in LA making a bacon sandwich last night and the fire brigade ended up at our house!!”

With Sabbath having played Irvine on Wednesday, perhaps the Prince of Darkness wanted a late night snack after the show. But really, Ozzy, a bacon sandwich? That sounds about as unhealthy as the drugs and alcohol he’s (hopefully) given up, and with his fire track record, probably even more dangerous. At least by now, the Los Angeles fire department are probably on a first name basis with the Ozzman, and at least he didn’t wind up in the hospital this time.