phillewisIf you’re caught saying something dumb, the smart thing to do is admit you might have said something dumb. But that’s something a smart person would do. On the other hand, you’ve got L.A. Guns singer Phil Lewis. In paying tribute to Prince this past Friday, he called all black people one-dimensional. Dumb, right? To say that everyone that has different-colored skin is the same? Lewis had some time to think about it and made a typo-ridden non-apology. The gist of it is that he totally stands by his words, but maybe should have said “black media” instead of “black people.” Well, yes. That changes things considerably. But to again say “no apologies” and then go off on mainstream black media gets it wrong again.

“I’m sure there are plenty of multi-dimensional brilliant musician’s out there but your not likely to hear about them on mainstream black media,” Lewis says. Sure. What mainstream black media do you read, Phil? If he just went on a rant about hating rap music and it’s focus on materialism the first time, that’d be a valid point, and one worth possibly debating. No one’s expecting a 59 year-old to be in touch, and as someone that’s seen his brand of metal get less popular over the years, rap is a scapegoat that you can understand he’d latch on to. But by saying black people are one-dimensional and not retracting his statement and apologizing, he’s opening up a can of worms, regardless of what he’s trying to teach his neighbors.


[Via Metal Sucks, screen cap via Metal Sludge]