
Wow – two hipster metal posts in a row! We’re not always sure what to think when non-metal artists decide to suddenly get metal, but Diamondsnake are a band that has Moby in it. Yeah, that Moby. While he’s best known as an electronic artist and music licenser (seriously, try watching a movie from the early 2000’s without hearing his music in it), Moby also has some punk in him, as demonstrated by his guitar-driven 1996 album Animal Rights. But while his solo work sounds like it’s been labored over and is extremely produced, this song sounds like it was written and recorded in a half an hour with a four track and a keg of beer. The band also has Satanicide guitarist Phil Costello and Sound of Urchin drummer Tomato in it. It’s hard to tell whether the band is paying tribute to ’80s metal or making fun of it, but when their bio states that they combine “such disparate influences as rock, hard rock, metal and heavy metal,” we kind of get the point. At any rate, their video for “Storm the  Fucking Kastle” is pretty insane, and Tenacious D has got to be jealous.