RobzombieelectricRob Zombie made a silly song called “Well Everybody’s Fucking In A U.F.O.” that sounds like a cross between Primus and Nine Inch Nails. And now he’s made a silly video for said song. Sherri Moon Zombie is in the video, which is about three times as long as the song. There’s boner jokes, boob jokes, comical sound effects, exaggerated nipples, alien penises and dancing robots. Basically, there’s pretty much everything but actual fucking in a U.F.O. in the video. Zombie’s even wearing a shirt that says “Unidentified Fucking Object.” He so crazy!

Zombie’s new album,  The Electric Warlock Acid Watch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser, will be available on April 29th, and can be preordered here.

