
So far, most reports find the majority of people are pretty happy with Metallica’s “Hardwired.” It’s the shortest song they’ve written since Kill ’em All‘s “Motorbreath,” and it’s got a style to match. It also sounds really good, courtesy of Greg Fidelman’s production. That being said, there was a certain charm to Metallica’s first four albums, the ones that broke them through, and part of that was the production. Flemming Rasmussen produced Ride the LightningMaster of Puppets and …And Justice For All, and some genius, namely YouTuber creblestar, re-recorded an instrumental version of the song using the production sound of the band’s first five albums, even including Bob Rock’s transition to the big rock sound he’d use on the rest of their albums until this one. It’s almost kind of nostalgic in a way, especially the way you can hardly hear the bass on Justice. And also, since it’s an instrumental version, you don’t have to hear the lame lyrics of the song, arguably the worst thing about it.

[via Metal Sucks]